5 A Day - Fruit Equilivants
Source of Recipe
Apple: dried rings 4 rings
Apple: fresh 1 medium apple
Apple: puree 2 heaped tablespoons
Apricot: canned 6 halves
Apricot: dried 3 whole
Apricot: fresh 3 apricots
Apricot: ready to eat 3 whole
Avocado Half an avocado
Banana chips 1 handful
Banana: fresh 1 medium banana
Blackberries 1 handful (9 to 10 blackberries)
Blackcurrants 4 heaped tablespoons
Blueberries 2 handfuls (4 heaped tablespoons)
Cherries: canned 11 cherries (3 heaped tablespoons)
Cherries: dried 1 heaped tablespoon
Cherries: fresh 14 cherries
Clementines 2 clementines
Currants: dried 1 heaped tablespoon
Damsons 5 to 6 damsons
Dates: fresh 3 dates
Fig: dried 2 figs
Fig: fresh 2 figs
Fruit juice 1 medium glass (150ml)
Fruit salad: canned 3 heaped tablespoons
Fruit salad: fresh 3 heaped tablespoons
Fruit smoothie 1 medium glass (150ml)
Gooseberries 1 handful
Grapefruit segments: canned 3 heaped tablespoons (8 segments)
Grapefruit: fresh Half a grapefruit
Grapes 1 handful
Kiwi fruit 2 kiwi fruit
Kumquat 6-8 kumquats
Lychee: canned 6 lychees
Lychee: fresh 6 lychees
Mandarin orange: canned 3 heaped tablespoons
Mandarin orange: fresh 1 medium orange
Mango 2 slices (2-inch slice)
Melon 1 slice (2-inch slice)
Mixed fruit: dried 1 heaped tablespoon
Nectarine 1 nectarine
Orange 1 orange
Passion fruit 5 to 6 fruit
Paw paw (papaya): fresh 1 slice
Peach: canned 2 halves or 7 slices
Peach: dried 2 halves
Peach: fresh 1 medium peach
Peach: ready to eat 2 halves
Pear: canned 2 halves or 7 slices
Pear: dried 2 halves
Pear: fresh 1 medium pear
Pear: ready to eat 2 halves
Pineapple: canned 2 rings or 12 chunks
Pineapple: crushed 3 tablespoons
Pineapple: dried 1 heaped tablespoon
Pineapple: fresh 1 large slice
Plum 2 medium plums
Prune: canned 6 prunes
Prune: dried 3 prunes
Prune: ready to eat 3 prunes
Raisins 1 tablespoon
Raspberries: canned 20 raspberries
Raspberries: fresh 2 handfuls
Rhubarb: canned chunks 5 chunks
Rhubarb: cooked 2 heaped tablespoons
Satsuma 2 small satsumas
Sharon fruit 1 sharon fruit
Strawberry: canned 9 strawberries
Strawberry: fresh 7 strawberries
Sultanas 1 heaped tablespoon
Tangerine 2 small tangerines