To keep vegetables fresh and crisp, trim and clean them as needed, not in advance and store root vegetables with roots intact.
Mineral residue on pots can be cleaned by soaking with white vinegar before washing.
For best results when beating egg whites use a copper bowl and whisk when they are room temperature. Be careful not to get any egg yolks in the whites when separating the eggs.
Rinsing your hands with Fresh Lemon juice helps get rid of the smell from garlic and onions.
Fresh clams are still alive when purchase, and when handled, a healthy, live clam should close it's shell. When it is cooked the shell will open because the mussel which it uses to close it's shell releases. Clams that do not open during cooking should be discarded, they may not be safe to eat.
Curry, the spice traditionally used in Indian cooking does not grow on trees! It is a blend of as little as 5 and as many as 20 spices.
Broccoli sprouts contain from 10-100 times more cancer-fighting compounds (isothiocyanates) than mature broccoli. 1/4 cup of sprouts gives you the benefits of 6 1/2 cups of chopped broccoli. The taste is much different for those who don't like broccoli and they go well in salads and on sandwiches.
You can pour olive oil into a clean, empty plastic container, cover and freeze and when it is very cold and thick, use as a spread for bread.
To test the freshness of fish, make sure the eyes are bulging and the gills are reddish. Also see that the scales are adhering firmly to the skin and that the flesh when pressed is firm to the touch. The fish should have no offensive odor, especially around the gills and belly.
White chocolate is not really chocolate at all. It is made from vanilla, sugar and cream, not cocoa beans. Natural and artificial flavors are added for a chocolate taste.
If you rub a wooden cutting board or chopping block with a few drops of oil it will preserve it as well as prevent food from sticking to it.
There are certain fruits and vegetables that should not be stored together. Apples give off a gas called ethyline, which will turn carrots bitter. Potatoes will spoil faster when stored with onions.
To retain good color in cooked vegetables try steaming or stir frying them el dente.
To make perfect whipped cream, you should always start with a chilled bowl and chilled beaters.
Marinate sundried tomatoe halves in olive oil and cover tightly. Let them marinate at least a few days and you can then use them and the tomato-infused oil for salads, on cheeses and in all types of cooking.
You can pour olive oil into a clean, empty plastic container, cover and freeze and when it is very cold and thick, use as a spread for bread.
You should never store vinegar in metal containers because of the acidity. Store them instead in enamel or glass containers.
For the best pepper flavor always use freshly ground pepper. The flavor comes from the oils in the crushed peppercorns.
Did you know?: Americans consume more than 16.5 billion quarts of popcorn annually. Because it is high in fiber and carbohydrates and low in fat and calories (only 33
per cup), it is one of the most nutritious snacks.
Since tomatoes are said to reduce the risk of heart attacks in half, extra sauce, light cheeses and vegetable toppings are a healthy alternative.