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    To chop onions without crying: There are all sorts of suggestions for minimizing, if not preventing, eye irritation. Some folks swear that chopping near running water draws the volatile substances to the water instead of the eye; others claim that freezing onions for 20 minutes before chopping slows the volatile substances so that they do not become airborne as quickly once released. Another popular theory holds that biting down on kitchen matches, sulfur ends out, or on a wooden spoon will do the trick, but we're not convinced. If your eyes are especially sensitive and you use onions frequently, you might invest in a pair of safety goggles from the hardware store. Or, if you are lucky, you might find a utensil like the one used by Culinary Director Joanne Hayes' mom. Says Joanne: "My mother has this a little antique onion chopper that is a measuring cup with a little board in the bottom and a lid with a little X-shaped blade on a spring attached to it. You just push down the lid to chop through the onion, and the lid keeps the onion essence inside and away from your eyes."

    When handling hot chiles: Wear rubber gloves when chopping chiles; capsaicin, the compound that produces heat in your mouth can burn you fingers (or your eyes if you rub them!). The majority of chiles' capsaicin is in the veins and seeds; remove them to reduce the heat.

    To prevent cracks in cheesecake:

    After beating the cream cheese until light and fluffy, beat in the remaining ingredients just until incorporated. If you beat in excess air the cheesecake may puff dramatically in the oven then collapse toward the end of the baking period.

    Run a knife between the edge of the cheesecake and the side of the pan as soon as you remove the cake from the oven; this allows the cake to pull away cleanly from the sides of pan as it contracts while cooling.

    Longer, slower (lower temperature) baking minimizes cracks, too.

    To keep stickly ingredients like molasses and corn syrup from sticking to the measuring cup: Lightly oil the inside of measuring cup before measuring.

    To keep cut fruit from browning: Gently stir some honey into fruit salads. Honey's acidity prevents fruit from turning brown. Use light-flavored honey so it doesn't mask the fruit flavor.





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