Measurements & Equilavents
Source of Recipe
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1/8 cup
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup
5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup
12 tablespoons = 3/4 cup
16 tablespoons = 1 cup
1 ounce = 2 tablespoons liquid
4 ounces = 1/2 cup
8 ounces = 1 cup
16 ounces = 1 pound
2 cups liquid = 1 pound
2 cups sugar = 1 pound
2 cups = 1 pint
5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons
7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
2 2/3 cups confectioner's sugar = 1 pound
2 1/4 cups packed brown sugar = 1 pound
4 cups sifted flour = 1 pound
1 pound butter = 2 cups
2 pints = 1 quart
1 quart = 4 cups
Meat Temperatures
Ground Meat Hamburger 160°F
Veal 160°F
Lamb 160°F
Chicken 160°F
Pork 165°F
Turkey 165°F
Beef Roasts, medium-rare 145°F
Roasts, medium 160°F
Roasts, well-done 170°F
Steaks, medium-rare 145°F
Steaks, medium 160°F
Steaks, well-done 170°F
Pork Chops, medium 160°F
Chops, well-done 170°F
Coasts, medium 160°F
Roasts, well-done 170°F
Ribs, medium 160°F
Ribs, well-done 170°F
Ham (fresh) 140°F
Sausage (fresh) 160°F
Poultry Chicken, whole & pieces 180°F
Duck 180°F
Turkey unstuffed, whole 180°F
Turkey unstuffed, breast 170°F
Turkey unstuffed, dark meat 180°F
Turkey, stuffing 165°F
Kilograms to Pounds Conversion Chart
Kgs Pds Kgs Pds
.25 .6 3.75 8.3
.35 .8 3.90 8.6
.50 1.1 4.00 8.8
.65 1.4 4.10 9.0
.75 1.7 4.25 9.4
.90 2.0 4.35 9.6
1.00 2.2 4.50 9.9
1.10 2.4 4.65 10.3
1.25 2.8 4.75 10.5
1.35 3.0 4.90 10.8
1.50 3.3 5.00 11.0
1.65 3.6 5.10 11.2
1.75 3.9 5.25 11.5
1.90 4.2 5.35 11.8
2.00 4.4 5.50 12.1
2.10 4.6 5.65 12.5
2.25 5.0 5.75 12.7
2.35 5.2 5.90 13.0
2.50 5.5 6.00 13.2
2.65 5.8 6.10 13.4
2.75 6.0 6.25 13.8
2.90 6.4 6.35 14.0
3.00 6.6 6.50 14.3
3.10 6.8 6.65 14.7
3.25 7.1 6.75 14.9
3.35 7.4 6.90 15.2
3.50 7.7 7.00 15.4
3.65 8.0 7.10 15.7
Ounces to Grams
1 oz = 28g
2 oz = 57g
3 oz = 85 g
4 oz = 125 g
5 oz = 140 g
6 oz = 170 g
7 oz = 200 g
8 oz = 250 g
16 oz = 500 g
32 oz = 1000 g(1 kg)
Oven Temperatures
Fahrenheit Centigrade Gas mark Description
225 F 105 C 1/4 Very cool
250 F 120 C 1/2
275 F 130 C 1 Cool
300 F 150 C 2
325 F 165 C 3 Very moderate
350 F 180 C 4 Moderate
375 F 190 C 5
400 F 200 C 6 Moderately hot
425F 220 C 7 Hot
450 F 230 C 8
475 F 245 C 9 Very hot
American Liquid Measures
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 3.79 L
1 quart = 2 pints = 0.95 L
1 pint = 2 cups = 16 fl oz = 450 ml
1 cup = 8 fl oz = 225 m
1 tablespoon = 1/2 fl oz = 15 ml
1 teaspoon = 1/3 tablespoon = 5 ml
Teaspoon to Tablespoon to Millilitres
1/8tsp = = .5ml
1/4tsp = = 1ml
1/2tsp = = 2ml
1tsp = = 5ml
2tsp = = 10ml
3tsp = 1 TBSP = 15ml
1/4 Cup = 4 TBSP = 60ml
1/3 Cup = 5-1/3 TBSP = 75ml
1/2 Cup = 8 TBSP = 125ml
2/3 Cup = 10-2/3 TBSP = 150ml
3/4 Cup = 12 TBSP = 175ml
1 Cup = 16 TBSP = 250ml
4-1/2 Cup = = 1000ml (1kg)
Printed from
3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
2 tablespoons = 1/8 cup
4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup
5 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup
8 tablespoons = 1/2 cup
12 tablespoons = 3/4 cup
16 tablespoons = 1 cup
1 ounce = 2 tablespoons liquid
4 ounces = 1/2 cup
8 ounces = 1 cup
16 ounces = 1 pound
2 cups liquid = 1 pound
2 cups sugar = 1 pound
2 cups = 1 pint
5/8 cup = 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons
7/8 cup = 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
2 2/3 cups confectioner's sugar = 1 pound
2 1/4 cups packed brown sugar = 1 pound
4 cups sifted flour = 1 pound
1 pound butter = 2 cups
2 pints = 1 quart
1 quart = 4 cups
Meat Temperatures
Ground Meat Hamburger 160°F
Veal 160°F
Lamb 160°F
Chicken 160°F
Pork 165°F
Turkey 165°F
Beef Roasts, medium-rare 145°F
Roasts, medium 160°F
Roasts, well-done 170°F
Steaks, medium-rare 145°F
Steaks, medium 160°F
Steaks, well-done 170°F
Pork Chops, medium 160°F
Chops, well-done 170°F
Coasts, medium 160°F
Roasts, well-done 170°F
Ribs, medium 160°F
Ribs, well-done 170°F
Ham (fresh) 140°F
Sausage (fresh) 160°F
Poultry Chicken, whole & pieces 180°F
Duck 180°F
Turkey unstuffed, whole 180°F
Turkey unstuffed, breast 170°F
Turkey unstuffed, dark meat 180°F
Turkey, stuffing 165°F
Kilograms to Pounds Conversion Chart
Kgs Pds Kgs Pds
.25 .6 3.75 8.3
.35 .8 3.90 8.6
.50 1.1 4.00 8.8
.65 1.4 4.10 9.0
.75 1.7 4.25 9.4
.90 2.0 4.35 9.6
1.00 2.2 4.50 9.9
1.10 2.4 4.65 10.3
1.25 2.8 4.75 10.5
1.35 3.0 4.90 10.8
1.50 3.3 5.00 11.0
1.65 3.6 5.10 11.2
1.75 3.9 5.25 11.5
1.90 4.2 5.35 11.8
2.00 4.4 5.50 12.1
2.10 4.6 5.65 12.5
2.25 5.0 5.75 12.7
2.35 5.2 5.90 13.0
2.50 5.5 6.00 13.2
2.65 5.8 6.10 13.4
2.75 6.0 6.25 13.8
2.90 6.4 6.35 14.0
3.00 6.6 6.50 14.3
3.10 6.8 6.65 14.7
3.25 7.1 6.75 14.9
3.35 7.4 6.90 15.2
3.50 7.7 7.00 15.4
3.65 8.0 7.10 15.7
Ounces to Grams
1 oz = 28g
2 oz = 57g
3 oz = 85 g
4 oz = 125 g
5 oz = 140 g
6 oz = 170 g
7 oz = 200 g
8 oz = 250 g
16 oz = 500 g
32 oz = 1000 g(1 kg)
Oven Temperatures
Fahrenheit Centigrade Gas mark Description
225 F 105 C 1/4 Very cool
250 F 120 C 1/2
275 F 130 C 1 Cool
300 F 150 C 2
325 F 165 C 3 Very moderate
350 F 180 C 4 Moderate
375 F 190 C 5
400 F 200 C 6 Moderately hot
425F 220 C 7 Hot
450 F 230 C 8
475 F 245 C 9 Very hot
American Liquid Measures
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 3.79 L
1 quart = 2 pints = 0.95 L
1 pint = 2 cups = 16 fl oz = 450 ml
1 cup = 8 fl oz = 225 m
1 tablespoon = 1/2 fl oz = 15 ml
1 teaspoon = 1/3 tablespoon = 5 ml
Teaspoon to Tablespoon to Millilitres
1/8tsp = = .5ml
1/4tsp = = 1ml
1/2tsp = = 2ml
1tsp = = 5ml
2tsp = = 10ml
3tsp = 1 TBSP = 15ml
1/4 Cup = 4 TBSP = 60ml
1/3 Cup = 5-1/3 TBSP = 75ml
1/2 Cup = 8 TBSP = 125ml
2/3 Cup = 10-2/3 TBSP = 150ml
3/4 Cup = 12 TBSP = 175ml
1 Cup = 16 TBSP = 250ml
4-1/2 Cup = = 1000ml (1kg)