Edible/Inedible Experiments
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Click on link to see several "experiements"!
Science should be fun.. science should be edible..
iAh-HA! Herein lie a series of experiments demonstrating concepts in different branches of science. Some may be eaten before, during or after the experiment, and some definitely should not be eaten at all.
Each file lists an expected age-level to carry out the experiment, as well as all safety measures that should be undertaken. Many of the experiments will require nothing more than a quick rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. Have fun, and remember, safety first.
If you think you have an experiment worthy of the archive, feel free to fill out the online experiment acquisition form. Further sites with demonstrations can be located in the Demos section of the MadSci Library.
Bon Appetit..
-Cathode Man Ray.