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    Chicken Fajitas

    Source of Recipe

    List of Ingredients

    2 tablespoons olive oil
    2 cups sliced red or yellow onion (from the salad bar)
    2 cups sliced green bell pepper (from the salad bar)
    2 teaspoons dried Mexican seasoning blend
    Salt and pepper
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    2 tablespoons tomato paste
    1/2 cup canned chicken broth or water
    Fresh lime juice


    In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat the 2 tablespoons olive oil over moderately high heat. Add the 2 cups onions, 2 cups sliced bell peppers, 2 teaspoons Mexican seasoning, and salt and pepper and cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes, until the vegetables start to soften.
    Add 3 minced garlic cloves and 2 tablespoons tomato paste and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add the 1/2 cup broth or water. Cover and cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Add lime juice to taste and correct the seasonings. Remove the skillet from the heat.
    SERVES 4


    The trick to cooking chicken cutlets is not to overcook them (which dries them out) or undercook them (which for most people is similarly unappealing). You can up the odds of your success in cooking them if the cutlets are about the same thickness. If one is thicker than the others, cover it with plastic wrap or waxed paper, then pound it with the bottom of a heavy skillet until it is of like thickness. Pounding the meat has another benefit, as well. It tenderizes it.




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