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    .Different Types of Crusts

    Source of Recipe
    Crusts are many varieties...
    But we can consider that 3 basic ones will allow to cook any type of quiche or tart.
    The 3 of them can be bought fresh and disk-shaped here over in any supermarket and their quality is relatively good ; if you can find them as well and you would rather use those, go directly to our filling section ! If you wish to prepare your own pastry, there we are !
    Those ingredients will allow you a 9-10 in. tart diameter (4-8 persons according to the filling)

    "P�te Sabl�e" - Sugar Crust Pastry
    It is only to be used for deserts because it contains sugar. It is sometimes used by itself to make "Sabl�" biscuits and it is ideal for sweet tarts that have a very thin or light filling (like tarte au chocolat or fruit tart). It is very easy to make in a mixer, (which is a good point !).

    Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 100 gr [3.5 oz] unsalted butter / 80 gr [3 oz] caster sugar / 1 big egg / 2 pinches salt (never forget the salt, it is more important than it looks).

    Method : in an electric mixer, put the flour, the sugar and the salt ; turn the electric mixer on (with the blade accessory) and spread the butter cut in small cubes while mixing for 15 seconds ; still mixing, add the egg and wait a few seconds until the paste forms a ball, then stop mixing right away. If it does not form a ball, add a Tbspoon water ; if it is too sticky, add a bit flour...

    Leave for at least 1 hour in a plate with flour in. If you wish to do it with your fingers, see the Shortcrust pastry method down !

    To line it, you will have to use your hands and fingers because the pastry is too fresh and soft ; start from the dish center and push with your thumbs towrds to borders.

    "P�te Bris�e" - Shortcrust Pastry
    This is very simple, it contains no sugar, and suits any type of quiche or tart... !
    But as it is so simple, it has to be use with a "rich" quiche or tart... It suits a filling with a rich flavor (like Salmon and Spinach). It can be prepared as well with an electri mixer but let's try to do it with our fingers ! (for mixer explaination, see the sugar crust pastry method !)
    Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 100 gr [3.5 oz] unsalted butter / 50 cl [17 fl oz] water / 2 pinches salt (never forget the salt, it is more important than it looks).

    Method : put the flour in a salad bowl, form a well and put the salt and very small cubes of cold butter in it. Work the butter and flour with your fingertips and add water in 2 or 3 times ; it should resemble crumbs quite quickly. Press the crumbs and form a ball of dough (it should not look completely homogeneous). If it does not form a ball, add a Tbspoon water ; if it is too sticky, add a bit flour..
    Chill for 30 minutes at least.

    Line normally by rolling out the pastry on a floured surface ; when the size is convenient, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and drape it carefully over the tin.

    "P�te Feuillet�e" - Puff Pastry
    This is our most famous, so light, fantastic and almost magic !
    BUT ... not simple at all... ! and not either quick !!!
    This recipe is for good (and patient) cooks only !

    Ingredients : 200 gr [7oz] plain flour / 150 gr [5 oz] unsalted butter / 10 cl [3.5 fl oz] water / 2 pinches salt (never forget the salt, it is more important than it looks).

    Method :
    - Put the flour in a salad bowl, form a well and pour the water with the salt in it ; mix slowly with a wooden spoon, then with your hands.
    - Work the dough quickly then form a ball and leave for 40 minutes.
    - With a rolling pin, gently beat the butter to flatten it into a square of 1.5 cm [1/2 in.] thick ; it has to have more or less the same consistency as the dough ball.
    - Spread some flour on your counter top and line the dough to a big diamond ; the central square must be just a bit bigger than the square of butter and a bit thicker in the middle. Display the square of butter in the central part of the dough and fold back the 4 sides one after the other like an envelop. It must be perfectly "closed", the butter must not be able to get out.
    - With the rolling pin, gently tap on the dough, then line it into a rectangle 3 times longer than large. Fold it again into 3 so as to obtain again a square.
    - Turn this square of a quarter of a turn ; line into a long rectangle and fold back into a square (like explained above). Do this 6 times. Don't forget to spread flour regularly on the counter top so that the dough won't stick. After the 2nd and 4th turn, leave 20 minutes ; after the 6th turn, the "p�te feuillet�e" is ready ! You can use it immediately.

    Line normally by rolling out the pastry on a floured surface ; when the size is convenient, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and drape it carefully over the tin.




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