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    Chicken Prosciutto

    Source of Recipe

    Leah Ann

    List of Ingredients

    4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
    ground pepper
    1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter
    8 whole fresh sage leaves
    1/4 pound very thinly sliced prosciutto
    2 eggs, beaten
    8 thin slices Italian Fontina cheese (about 2 oz)

    Optional sauce:
    1 cup dry white wine
    1 Tbsp minced fresh sage
    1/2 stick unsalted butter, chilled


    1 Cut each breast across the center into two pieces. Place 8 pieces of chicken breast on a large piece of wax paper, and cover with another piece of wax paper. Pound the chicken pieces with a mallet until each one is approximately 1/8 inch thick. Season with ground pepper and set aside.

    2 Heat butter over medium heat in a large saute pan. When the butter is foaming, add the sage leaves and cook them on each side for 1 minute. Remove immediately, and place each leaf on one of the chicken pieces. Then, wrap each piece completely in a single layer of prosciutto.

    3 Dip the wrapped chicken pieces, one at a time in the beaten eggs, coating them well. Make sure the butter in the pan is foaming golden, not browned. Then place the chicken pieces in the pan. Note: Do not crowd the chicken. If your pan is not big enough, do this step in two batches. Cook the chicken breasts about 2 minutes on each side, or until they're just past pink on the inside, golden on the outside. Remove.

    4 Place chicken pieces on a flat baking sheet, and cover each piece with a slice of Fontina. Place under a preheated broiler until the cheese just melts, about 1 minute. Divide chicken among 4 plates and serve immediately, with or without the sauce.

    5 Sauce (optional): While the cheese is melting, pour out the butter from the saute pan. Add the white wine into the pan, place over high heat. Reduce the wine to 1/2 cup. Add the minced sage about a minute before the reduction is complete. Reduce the heat to low and whisk in the chilled butter. Adjust the seasoning, pour over and around the chicken.

    SERVES 4

    Inspired by the Dean & DeLuca Cookbook




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