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    Bread: Butterscotch Pinwheel Biscuits - 100

    Source of Recipe
    Servings: Yield: 100 Portions (4 Pans)
    Portions: 2 Biscuits each
    Pan Size: 425 degrees F. Oven
    Temperature: 18 by 26-inch Sheet Pan


    3 gal Flour, wheat, hard, sifted
    2 7/8 cups Milk, nonfat, dry
    1 1/2 cup Baking powder
    6 tbsp Salt
    1 1/2 qt Shortening
    1 1/2 qt Water
    2 cups butter or margarine, melted
    2 3/4 qt brown sugar
    1 1/2 qt chopped nuts


    1. Mix and sift dry ingredients together.
    2. Blend shortening into dry ingredients until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal.
    3. Add water and mix only enough to form a soft dough.
    4. Place dough on lightly floured board.
    5. Divide dough into 8 pieces.
    6. Roll each piece into a rectangular shape 20 inches long and 9 inches wide.

    7. Brush with 1 lb (2 cups) melted butter or margarine.
    8. Combine 4 lb (2 3/4 qt) brown sugar and 1 1/2 lb (1 1/2 qt) chopped nuts; sprinkle evenly on top of dough.
    9. Roll dough as for Jelly Roll. Cut into slices 3/4 inch thick.
    10. Place cut-side down on lightly greased pan.
    11. Bake at 425 DEGREES F. about 15 to 20 minutes.




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