Little-Known Benefits of Eating Hot Sauce
Source of Recipe
9. Haven't had to buy Liquid Plumr in years.
8. Curled up toenails are *sooo* much easier to trim.
7. After three bottles, you can't taste your mother-in-law's cooking.
6. Having your eyes bug out at the first bite makes it easy to remove contact lenses.
5. Keeps your wimpy kid sister from bogarting your fries.
4. Forces you into ingesting your recommended daily allowance of beer.
3. After you burn a hole in the collection bag, the blood-drive chairman stops badgering you to contribute.
2. Your breath will repel vampires. And werewolves. And IRS agents. And supermodels. And -- wait, back up a minute?
... and the #1 Little Known Benefit of Eating Hot Sauce ...
1. Wait an hour, light a match, and you can FLY!!