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    Italian Veggie Frittata

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 onion, finely chopped
    1/2 pound mushrooms, thinly sliced
    10 eggs
    1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
    1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes
    1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon black pepper
    4 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese


    In a large skillet, heat 1 teaspoon of the olive oil over medium heat.
    Add onion and cook 3 to 4 minutes or until tender. Add mushrooms and cook 4 to 5 minutes,
    or until tender.
    Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat eggs well. Stir in basil, sun-dried tomatoes, salt, garlic powder
    and black pepper until well combined. Add the onion mushroom mixture to the egg mixture; mix well.
    In the same skillet, heat remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil over medium low heat.
    Add the egg mixture, cover and cook 10 to 12 minutes or until eggs are set, occasionally lifting the
    frittata and tilting the skillet so that the unciiked eegg flows out and around the edges of the pan.
    Remove from heat, sprinkle with cheese and cover until cheese melts.
    Cut the frittata into wedges and serve.

    SERVES 6




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