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    Tofu With Spinach Sauce

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 1/2 pounds spinach
    12 ounces firm or extra-firm tofu
    2 tablespoons butter or oil
    1 tablespoon minced ginger
    1 tablespoon minced garlic
    3 dried chilies
    2 tablespoons garam masala or curry powder
    Salt to taste
    1/2 cup yogurt
    1 1/2 cups light cream or half-and-half


    1. Trim and wash spinach; do not dry. Chop leaves in one-inch pieces. Cut tofu in two horizontally and wrap in paper towels. Put it under a couple of plates.

    2. Put butter or oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. A minute later, add ginger, garlic and chilies and cook, stirring occasionally, until garlic begins to color.

    3. Stir in garam masala or curry powder and a large pinch of salt and cook, stirring, for about 30 seconds. Add spinach and cook, stirring, until it wilts, then add yogurt and a cup of cream. Pick out chilies and discard.

    4. Cook mixture over medium-high heat; liquid in spinach will boil off. When mixture is nearly dry, cut tofu into half-inch pieces and incorporate. When tofu is hot, add remaining cream and cook for another minute or two, stirring. Adjust seasoning and serve.

    YIELD: 4 Servings

    Spinach sauce: In Step 4, omit tofu. Puree mixture with 1/2 cup remaining cream. Add squeeze of lime juice. Serve with grilled meat, poultry, fish or vegetables.




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