Email to Sue A Recipe Categories: SueA's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BBQ BEVERAGES BREAD BREAKFAST CAKESandPIES CANDY CASSEROLES COOKIES DESSERTS ETHNIC FISHandSEAFOOD MARINADES MEATS MEXICAN PASTA PIES PIZZA POTATOES POULTRY RECIPEOFTHEWEEK RICE SALADandDRESSING SAUCES SOUPSandSTEWS SpiceMixes VEGETABLES Hot- Smoky French Bread Great to go with a cook-out. List of Ingredients 1 loaf (about 1 pound) French bread 1/2 cup butter or margarine, room temperature 1 cup shredded smoked cheese (like a smoked Gouda) 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Instructions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Slice loaf into 1-inch slices (diagonally is attractive). In a small bowl, mix remaining ingredients. Spread on one side of bread slices. Reassemble the loaf. Wrap in heavy-duty foil. Wrap tightly; triple folding edges and crimping to secure. Heat about 20 minutes in hot oven. Makes about 2 dozen pieces. Final Comments Substitute a couple drops liquid smoke and a shredded cheddar for smoked cheese. Take it easy with liquid smoke a little goes a long way.
Great to go with a cook-out.