Cream cheese frosting: makes enough to frost a round 3-layer cake.
Work time: 10 minutes
List of Ingredients
1 8-oz package cream cheese, room temperature
4 Tablespoons butter, room temperature
5 cups powdered sugar
With ingredients at room temperature, beat together the cream cheese and butter.
Add the powdered sugar gradually in one-cup measures to the cream cheese/butter mixture. Beat completely each addition of sugar.
The frosting is ready to use when it has a lightly whipped texture. It should be stiff enough to show the "tracks" of the beaters.
To frost the cake: Start with chilled (or frozen) cake layers. Put the first layer (top side down) on your plate. Then peel off the waxed paper (or parchment paper).
Special tip: Cut 6 strips of parchment paper. Slide strips just under the cake edges. Now your plate will stay clean as you frost the cake.
Spread frosting on top of first layer. Position next layer with top side down and frost. Place third layer, but top side up. Now refrigerate.
Spread frosting on the sides of the stacked layers. You may want to apply one fairly thin layer of it to start, then go back over it with a second, for a more even layer of frosting.
Spread frosting on top last, joining it to the side frosting. To smooth the top surface, dip your spatula in warm water and draw it across again. Refrigerate the finished cake.bbbb
Final Comments
Recipe from August Home's Cuisine, Mar/Apr 1997 issue, pg 42-43.