Treasure Chest Cake
List of Ingredients
2 packages (18 1/4 ounces each) chocolate cake mix
1 1/3 cups butter/margarine, softened
8 squares (1 ounce each) unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled
6 teaspoons vanilla
7 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/3-1/2 cup milk
5 wooden skewers (three 4-inch skewers,& two 7 1/2-inch skewers)
Foil covered heavy corrugated cardboard (12-inchesx 7 1/2-inches)
candy necklaces, foil covered chocolate coins, candy pacifiers or candies of your choice
2 pieces berry tie-dye fruit roll-upsRecipe
In two batches, prepare and bake cakes according to package directions, using two greased and floured 13x9-inch baking pans. Cool for 10 minutes, remove from pans to cool on wire racks.
In a large mixing bowl, cream butter; beat in chocolate, vanilla, powdered sugar and enough milk to achieve spreading consistency. Center one cake on a 16-inch x 12-inch covered board, frost top. Top with remaining cake; frost top and sides of cake. With a metal spatula, smooth frosting to resemble boards.
For chest lid, insert 4-inch skewers equally spaced 6-inches into one long side of cardboard lid. Frost top of lid. Cut a small hole in the corner of a pastry or plastic bag; insert star tip #21. Pipe a shell border on edges of lid and for handles on sides of chest.
Place one 7 1/2-inch skewer on each side of cake top, about 3 1/2-inches from back of chest. Rest lid on long skewers.
Arrange candy in chest. Cut a small keyhole from a fruit roll-up; center on front of cake. Position strips of fruit roll-ups in front and back of chest.
Yield:14-16 servings.