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    List of Ingredients

    2 cups mashed potatoes, cold
    1 large egg, beaten lightly
    6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    1 1/2 tablespoons grated onion
    2 tablespoons chives
    Salt and pepper
    Vegetable oil, for frying


    In a bowl combine well the potatoes and the egg, stir in the flour thoroughly, and stir in the onion, chives and salt and pepper to taste.

    In a large heavy skillet heat 1/8-inch of the oil over moderately high heat until it is hot but not smoking and in it fry heaping tablespoons of the potato mixture, flattening them slightly with the back of the spoon, for 1 minute on each side, or until they are golden brown.

    Transfer the pancakes as they are cooked to paper towels to drain and if desired, keep them warm on a rack set on a baking sheet in a preheated 250 degree oven. Serve the pancakes as an accompaniment to meat, poultry, or eggs.




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