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Recipe Categories:

    root beer soda

    List of Ingredients

    Ingredients: (for 2-1/4 gallons)
    2 gallons of water
    1 1/2 cups, honey
    3 tablespoons, ground sarsaparilla
    1 tablespoon, sassafras
    1 heaping tablespoon, hops
    1/4 teaspoon, ground coriander
    1/4 teaspoon, wintergreen extract (Almost all natural)
    1/4 teaspoon, yeast
    Place the sarsaparilla, sassafras, hops, and coriander into an enameled or stainless steel pan. Cover them with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow them to just barely simmer for 12 hours, making sure the water does not all evaporate. Strain out the solids and add the liquid to 2 gallons of water that has been boiled and cooled to lukewarm. Stir in the honey, wintergreen extract, and the yeast dissolved in 2/3 cup warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and allow it to mellow for several hours. You can then siphon off the root beer into a clean container before bottling, or fill the bottles immediately. Makes about two dozen 12-ounce bottles.





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