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Recipe Categories:

    Sourdough Starters

    List of Ingredients

    This is one starter you can
    use. After that is an alternative for people who
    have trouble with the first one.

    Potato starter I:
    1 c Water,
    1 c Sugar, and
    1/2 c Potato flakes.

    Mix the ingredients. Cover loosely and leave in a
    warm place, such as on top of a water heater, for 3 or
    4 days. If the mixture starts to smell yeasty prior
    to 3 or 4 days, it is ready. Go ahead and feed it and
    start making bread. See the feeding directions below.

    For people who have trouble cultivating wild yeast,
    this is an alternate starter recipe.

    Potato starter II: 2 evelopes (2 TBSP) active dry
    yeast, 1/2 cup warm water (105 to 115 F), 1 cup warm
    water (105 to 115 F), 2/3 cup sugar, and 3 TBSP
    instant potato flakes.

    Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup warm water in a medium
    mixing bowl. Stir in 1 cup warm water, sugar, and
    potato flakes.

    Let the mixture sit out all day, then refrigerate 10
    to 15 days. (A 10 day schedule works fine.) Remove
    from refrigerator and feed, see the feeding
    instructions below. Now you are ready to use 1 cup of
    the starter to make bread.

    Return the rest of the starter to the refrigerator for
    another 5 to 10 days. Before making your next batch
    of bread, feed the starter again.

    Now that we have a starter, we need to feed it.

    Feeding Recipe: Starter from recipes above, 1 cup
    water, 3/4 cup sugar, and 3 TBSP instant potato flakes.

    Into starter, stir ingredients well and keep at room
    temperature for 10 to 12 hours.

    Makes 2 - 3 cups.





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