Bugs be gone
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Great ideas of ridding your house/garden of pesky bugs without endangering
your family and pets.
List of Ingredients
To keep ants out of a house or a garden: sprinkle ground cinnamon around base
of house. (I get the bulk cheap stuff works great no ants in 7 yrs!) You can
also sprinkle it on ant beds, to kill the ants (or they will travel to your
neighbors yards). For your garden: sprinkle concentrated lemon juice round the
whole garden, keeps ants & insects out of garden. Both are ok to use if you
have pets or little kids around, safe for all to use & you can get the kids to
do it for you without worry!
Ingredients: 1/3 cup molasses, 6 tablespoons sugar, 6 tablespoons active dry
yeast. Mix ingredients together in a small bowl until they form a smooth
paste. Spread the mixture into plastic lid. Any old plastic container will do.
Set the mixture near the mouth of ant hill. For kitchen areas, coat a strip of
cardboard with the mixture and lay along floor or in crevices where ants
travel. Works best with medium to large ants. Try substituting honey for the
Ingredients: 1/4 cup maple syrup, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 tablespoon
granulated sugar. Mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Pour over strips
of brown paper and let soak overnight. To hang, poke a hole in one end of a
strip and tie a string to it.
Formula 1: Ingredients: 3 cups rubbing alcohol, 1 1/2 cups red cedar wood
shavings, 1/2 cup eucalyptus leaves. Mix ingredients together in a large bowl
or jar. Cover and let stand 5 days. Strain the solid ingredients out and save
the remaining liquid. Store tightly sealed. Yield: 2 cups. To use, pour into a
small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin.
Formula 2: Ingredients: 1/4 cup denatured alcohol, 1 1/2 teaspoons camphor, 1
1/2 teaspoons calcium chloride. Mix ingredients together in a bowl and stir
until dissolved. To use, rub on skin before going outside, or pour into a
small spray bottle and spray lightly on skin. CAUTION: Do not use near eyes.
Discontinue use if you notice a rash or other allergic reaction.
Formula 3: Ingredients: Mix together: One ounce of either oil of
citronella or pennyroyal, Baby oil or vegetable oil, a few drops Citronella
and pennyroyal, can be found at most health food stores. Apply to skin before
going outside.
Formula 4: Ingredients: Four parts glycerine, 4 parts alcohol, 1 part
eucalyptus oil. Or make a solution of equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and
methyl phthalate.
Avon's Skin-So-Soft: Although some people swear by this product, I didn't find
it to be particularly effective.
The castor bean plant: Seeds available from any nursery. Plant in pots within
the house; replant outdoors. Decorative and they grow like weeds!
Garlic Juice: My grandson is allergic to any type of repellent with chemicals
in it. So we use a mixture of Garlic juice and water. Use at least 1 part
garlic juice to 5 parts water in a small personal size spray bottle. Works
every time, works great in the woods, hubby forgot one day and had a terrible
case of chiggers. We originally started to use this in our garden instead of
poisons and decided to use it on ourselves since it worked so well.
Mix the following: 1 pound Borax, 60 oz. Powdered sugar, 11 oz. cocoa powder,
2 oz. sodium fluoride. Mix well and sprinkle around places pests are known to
frequent. Keep out of reach of children!
Melt together: 4 parts naphthalene and 8 parts paraffin wax. Paint on paper
while still warm.