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    Chipper's Favorite Cupcakes

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    2 lb. meat (chicken, turkey or beef) 3 c. oatmeal
    2 c. brown rice 4 eggs
    1 c. sunflower oil 1 c. lentils
    2 c. cornmeal 2 c. veggies (kale, carrots, parsley)
    3 garlic cloves 1/2 c. water, or sufficient to mix

    Cook rice and lentils together. In a food processor, mulch up vegetables, garlic, eggs, meat. Mix all ingredients together. Spoon into lightly oiled oversized cupcake pans. Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes. Freeze what you are not going to use in 5 days. This makes about 4 dozen larger-size cupcakes.
    Highly digestible, leaving very little stool volume and no loose stools. Originally from Peter and Holly Colcord, adapted and posted by Donna Stekli. (Bonnie Ott uses a large glass baking dish; mixes rest except liver and oatmeal while rice is cooking; then purees liver, cooks oatmeal in microwave, dumps in rice, bakes, cools, cut into squares, freeze a weeks worth per freezer bag. Joanie Fraser uses meatloaf pans: double the recipe to make about 6-7 pans full, 5"w x 9"l x 3" h; keep two out (for 4 Kees) and freeze the rest; sometimes add tuna instead of all meat; spinach instead of kale; topped with spaghetti sauce; add small amount of liver; use 7grain cereal instead of just oatmeal; cornmeal doesn't seem to cause problems but prefers to use white corn meal and "new process" since lower in fat and less spoilage; bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, ground cereals instead of or with cornmeal; liquids: soup, veggie juice, apple juice; add chopped apple; NO ONION; mixture should have the basics and feel like meatloaf, baked at 350 degrees for 40 minutes, checking every 5-10 minutes after first 30; oil or spray pans prior to filling.)





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