Pineapple Upside Down Cake DutchOven
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
Brown Sugar
Pineapple Slices
Yellow Cake Batter Recipe
Line the dutch oven with aluminum foil. Put in some butter and brown sugar (to line the bottom of the pan) and arrange the pineapple slices on top of that. Pour the prepared cake batter on top of the pineapple. Cover with the lid, place hot coals on lid, and put the pan into the coals to bake. Cakes usually take less than meat or vegetables to cook so cook slowly and peek to test for doneness.
NOTE: In my cake batter recipe it called for about 1 1/2 cups of water
however I used the pineapple juice first and then used water to reach the
correct measurements. WOW! Did it ever taste great!
Also, by lining the oven with foil we were able to just lift the cake out and then turn it upside down. Sure makes for easy clean up!