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Recipe Categories:

    Impossible Dinner Pie General Recipe

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Use the Better Buttermilk Baking Mix found in this category

    List of Ingredients

    Filling/ crust portion
    1 1/3 cups milk (evaporated skimmed gives great result): may use part milk and part mayonnaise
    4 large eggs
    5/8 cup baking mix
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon Pepper, black
    1-3 teaspoons herbs to complement selected flavors

    1-2 cups (1 pound) proteins or meat, cooked and chopped or very thinly sliced
    1 1/2 cups vegetables, bite-sized, partially pre-cooked
    1 cup mushrooms, pieces or slices, precooked
    6 green onions, thinly sliced
    1/2 cup onions, chopped or rings, sautéed first
    2 bell peppers, rings/chopped
    1-2 cups cheese, shredded or cottage cheese, drained

    Vegetarian protein additions can be seitan or wheat meat, tofu which has been frozen and baked or grilled in small dice or very thin slices, in addition to chicken, turkey, beef, ham, or even bacon. Vegetables can be anything your family likes and you have in the freezer or garden: frenched green beans, corn, carrots, peas, onions. If you use a chewy or watery vegetable such as onions or zucchini, be sure to precook, drain well. Cheese can be whatever will go well with the meat: ham and Swiss, beef and cheddar, chicken and Monterey jack, garden vegetables and parmesan, shrimp or crabmeat and almost anything. For a vegetable quiche, just use vegetables and more cheese. Drained cottage cheese can replace regular cheese or proteins.

    Procedure is to preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Thaw and drain vegetables. Spray one 9" pie plate per 4 servings with nonstick spray. Mix meat, vegetables, and cheese in pie plate. (If desired, reserve 1/8 cup cheese per pie plate to sprinkle on top for last 5 minutes of baking.) Beat filling ingredients until smooth; 15 seconds on high in blender, or 1 minute on high with an electric beater. Pour into plate(s). Bake 20-55** minutes. Cool 5 minutes on flat surface, not wire rack, to maintain temperature at bottom of pie, then cut. Refrigerate leftovers promptly.
    ** shortest time for half recipe or very thin pie, longest for thick deep pie.





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