Citrus Vinegar
Source of Recipe
Citrus Vinegar
Citrus peelings (remove any white pulp)
1 quart jar with lid
White vinegar
Fill quart jar with peelings of any citrus fruit
(grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, etc.). Cover the peelings with white vinegar.
Put the lid on the jar and allow to sit for about two weeks. Occasionally shake the jar. After the two weeks strain liquid inot another container.
Usage: Room deoderizer: pour samll amount of liquid
into a dish and set in room to absorb odor.
All Purpose Cleaner: mix 1/2 cup
citrus vinegar
to one gallon water.
Glass Cleaner: mix 1/2 cup citrus vinegar to
one quart of water and put in spray bottle.
Linoleum Floor Cleaner: mix 1 cup citrus
vinegar to two gallons water.