I want to dedicate this cookbook to several people... My mom, who gave me the love of cooking. I am not sure that she loves to cook all that much anymore, but she is a fabulous cook and she really did get me started. The first time I remember being interested in cooking is when I would sit and watch her cook, and I was young, maybe before kindergarten! I love now to cook Japanese and Hawaiian foods. His mother is always so patient with me when teaches me to cook some of Gordon's favorite dishes. Mostly though, this is for you Mandie,Taylor and Carlie. I hope that there is a day when you, or your husband or wife come to the computer and look up a recipe that I cooked for you while you were growing up. I hope that some of your fond memories of growing up consist of the way that I wanted to cook for you kids. Know that you are loved, always... and family favorites will continue even when I am gone! Know that all three of you and daddy are the lights of my life, my memories, my future and my dreams. You are my strengths, my joy and my reason for living! Love you... Mom This is also dedicated to all of our international students that come and live with us. You always ask me for recipes from America when you go back home... and this is where you will find some of the Toyama favorites. We love each of you. |