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Email to Wendy T      

Recipe Categories:

    Almond Roca

    List of Ingredients

    1 c Butter
    1 c Sugar
    3 tbsp Water
    1 tsp Light corn syrup
    1 c Fine chop toasted almonds
    1 c Milk-chocolate chips


    Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the sugar, water, and corn syrup.
    Cook the mixture over med. heat, stirring. When the sugar dissolves and
    the mixture begins to boil, raise the heat and bring the mixture to 290~F
    degrees on a cooking thermometer. This is called the soft-crack stage. It
    will be light brown in color, and syrup will separate into threads that are
    not brittle when dribbled into cold water. Quickly stir in 1/2 cup chopped
    almonds. Immediately pour the mixture onto an ungreased baking sheet. Wait
    2 or 3 minutes for the candy surface to firm, then sprinkle on the
    chocolate chips. In a few minutes, when the chips have softened, spread the
    chocolate evenly over the surface. Sprinkle the remaining almonds over the
    melted chocolate. When the chocolate hardens, crack the candy into pieces.
    Store covered. VARIATIONS: To get a candy more like the Heath bar or
    Hersheys Skor, follow the same directions above except omit step 9.




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