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Recipe Categories:

    Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

    Source of Recipe

    Web looking for Rhubarb Recipes

    List of Ingredients


    1/4 cup margarine (I use no sodium / no cholesteral)
    1 cup brown sugar
    4-6 stalks rhubarb


    1 cup all purpose flour
    3/4 cup white sugar
    1/4 cup oil
    1/2 cup skim milk
    1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    2 egg whites (unbeaten)
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


    Cut fresh rhubarb into approximately 1/2 inch long pieces (extra cut rhubarb can be frozen - just put it in a plastic bag).

    Pre-heat oven to 350 F. In an eight inch square cake pan: melt 1/2 stick margarine - This can be done in the oven while pre-heating it.

    Brush the sides of the pan with the melted margarine so the cake will not stick.

    Coat the bottom of the pan with 1/4 inch layer of brown sugar (about 1 cup).

    Cover the layer of brown sugar with the 1/2 inch pieces of rhubarb. Cover the entire bottom of the pan - (I prefer to place the pieces so the cut sides are face up and down).

    Mix cake batter: combine the flour and sugar then add the oil and 1/4 cup of the milk. Stir until the flour is damp - then beat for one minute. Stir in the baking powder, the remaining milk, the unbeaten egg whites, and the vanilla. Beat for two minutes. Pour over the rhubarb in the cake pan.

    Bake at 350 F for 35-40 minutes (making sure a cake tester comes out clean. The center section will be the last to cook.)

    Remove from oven, cool slightly, run a knife around the sides to make sure it will come out cleanly, and invert it onto a serving plate. (If you have never removed an upside-down cake before it can be a little unnerving. You are dealing with hot melted s gar. So, place the serving plate upside-down on the cake - grasp the cake pan and plate together - hold this at arms length while you quickly invert it.





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