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Email to Wendy T      

    Black Bottom Cupcakes....delicious!

    List of Ingredients

    I got this recipe from my mom, and although they are cupcakes, they are very rich and make a wonderful dessert! Enjoy!!!

    8oz cream cheeses
    1/2 c sugar
    1 egg
    1/2 t. salt
    Beat well, then stir in 6 oz of chocolate chips and set aside

    1 c. sugar
    1/4c. cocoa
    l t. soda
    1/2 t. salt
    l c. water
    1/3 c. oil
    1 T. vinegar
    1 t. vanilla
    1 1/2 c. flour
    Beat until blended..... fill cups 1/3 full drip in heaping tsp. of the cream cheese mixture in the middle.
    Use ONLY foil line cupcake they stick if you don't.
    Bake at 350 flr 25-30 minuets.





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