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5/25/2008 I plan on making your Apple Cheesecake for Memorial Day for a potluck. All of your recipes sound excellent and I plan on making several in the near future. You must spend a lot of time writing out all your recipes. Thanks so much for sharing a nice variety of recipes with the people on line. There must be a lot of people that enjoy sharing recipes. I for one have been collecting them for a very long time. I am going to figure out how to get my own recipe page so that I can send lots of recipes to colletors like yourself. How long have you been collecting all the great recipes? I bet a long, long time. Thanks for sharing them. When I get my recipe page started I will send the name to you. I think we have a lot in common in our interest of collecting recipes. Have a good day. Your friend Suzanne Suzanne M.Baxter USA - Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 15:48:26 (PDT) 11/9/2006 I love your recipes; you have tastes very similar to mine and that makes it easy to choose what to have for meals. Bobbi Spring Valley, Calif. USA - Thursday, November 09, 2006 at 14:50:12 (PST) 9/4/2005 Thanks again Wendy! I alway look for your recipes, before I search for something in my recipe box. You have a wonderful talent, and are a great cook! Your husband and children are very fortunate. Mom - Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 13:39:23 (PDT)

Wendy T