Email to Sue Arnold Recipe Categories: arnold752's HOME PAGEAIRFRYER APPETIZERS BISQUICK BREAD CASSEROLES COOKIES CROCKPOT DESSERTS Dinner EGGS FISHandSEAFOOD HOLIDAY MEATS PASTA POULTRY QUICKBREADS RICE SALADandDRESSING SAUCES SLOVAK-RECIPES SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS VEGETABLES ZUCCHINI Broccoli Salad Source of Recipe Jeff Recipe Introduction This tastes just like the broccoli salad at Walmart's Deli. List of Ingredients 12 oz Tri-colored pasta I Head broccoli 1 Red onion, finely diced 2 Cups shredded cheddar 2 Cups Mayonaise 1/2 Cup sugar 3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar Instructions Mix together.