Do diet pills work ?
Source of Recipe
Yale School of Medicine, KU Med Center
Recipe Link: List of Ingredients
Diet pills tend to increase metabolism because it brings your body heat up. A proper diet pill should work on the hunger side, not the metabolism end. Also diet pills are ment to be taken for a short period on time. Usally six month or less.
Most of the side effects of most diet pills are fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, uncomfortable cramps, gas and diarrhea, irritability, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, heart and kidney damage and seisuers, increase the risk of stroke in women and could be fatal when taking with other medications.
CAUTION::((Most diet pills should should not be taken if you've had a stroke or suffer from heart disease, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, or high blood pressure, or taken with some other medications.((You're putting your life a risk)).
Some studies have shown that some diet pills can cause health problems in under a month. Also some studies have shown that some women can have miscarriages up to 2 month after being off some diet pills.
After people stop taking the diet pills 99% regained more than they lost.
And if you're using diet pills to try to look more attractive, forget it — dietary fat blockers (such as orlistat) can cause gas, diarrhea, and uncontrollable bowel movements. Vitamin deficiencies that result from these drugs can lead to dry skin and hair loss. Really beautiful, right?
Even so-called "natural" diet pills cause side effects. One of the most common ingredients in over-the-counter diet pills, ephedra, is also the most dangerous. Derived from the herb ma huang, ephedra can cause headaches, nausea, and can cause heart attacks and strokes — even in teens. Even when FDA took the diet pills that have ephedra in it off the market, they can still be found in some over the counter organic diet pills.
Something else to think about:
According to the directions of most pain medications, a 12 year old youngster that may weigh 100 pounds (or less) is directed to take as much medicine as a grown man who might weight 300 pounds or more. It's not only dangerous, it's nuts. The same dispersion method applies to over-the-counter cough, cold, nausea and allergy medications - as well as diet pills and frills.
Again, this requires a bit of thought. Is everyone trying to lose the same amount of weight? Of course not! So then....why should someone who is shooting to lose 150 pounds take the same amount of 'magic pill' as someone who is shooting to lose 10 pounds? My, all these pills must be very strong to achieve such balance results. Or, perhaps they are 'smart pills'? Definitely not!!
It's even scarier when you take into consideration that acetaminophen can damage the liver if the dosage is too high and - Ibuprofen can damage the kidneys if the dosage is too high.
So what's a body to do when one is sick, especially when one of the little ones becomes ill?
Until labeling procedures are pulled out of the Dark Ages and updated to the current century (i.e. according to a person's current weight), call your doctor and get his recommendations for dosage.
And as for those over-the-counter diet pills, you don't need them! You have a better chance of losing weight going to a Hypnotest. Save your hard earned $$$, walk a bit each day to get your heart pumping and make healthy diet choices. Losing any unwanted weight, as well as strengthening your body, will help ensure that you'll need to worry a little less about how much medication to take because you'll be in tip-top health! Do it for you, you wonderful person you!!
The real problem with reading too much into these findings is the belief that one can lose weight in the long-term by only taking a pill, drinking any diet concoction or diet fads. Unless you eat healthy and add exercise to your daily life you simply are not going to sustain your weight loss. Therefore, what is the point of taking any supplement whether it works temporarily or not?
Last Thought, If you read the fine print on the label it say, " diet and exercise" isn't that what weight lose is all about. And if they did work Weight Watchers and other companies wouldn't be around.
If your taking diet pills and experience any of the side effects, stop using it and call your doctor immediately.
But if you really think you need diet pills consult your doctor frist and be under his/her care.
Bottom line, the only thing that is going to be losing weight is your wallet.