Zucchini Creole Casserole
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
At least 3 medium-to-large zucchini, quartered and sliced, leaving
skin on
1 can of tomatoes
1 can of tomato sauce
1 green pepper cut in chunks
1 medium onion
Pepper and any other spice you may care to add
Simmer the above until vegetables have softened a bit, but not until
they are mushy.
Boil approximately 3/4 cup of macaroni and drain. Combine with
zucchini and sauce in a casserole. Top with an 8 oz. package of skim
mozzarella, sliced. Bake in moderate oven until cheese is melted and
slightly browned.
Obviously, this recipe can be adjusted to your own taste. Originally,
instead of adding macaroni, the recipe called for crepes filled with
the zucchini and sauce, topped with mozzarella, and baked