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Spicy Prune Whip Cake
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
2 cups cake flour, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 2 t. baking powder, 1/4 t. soda. 1/2 t. cinnamon, 1/2 t. nutmeg. 1/2 t. allspice and 1 t. salt into a mixing bowl.
1/2 cup shortening. 1/2 cup unsweetened prune juice. 1/4 cup milk and 1 t. vanilla.
2 min. with electric mixer on low speed, or by hand 200 strokes, scraping bowl and beaters.
1/4 cup milk and 2 unbeaten eggs. Beat another 2 min. Pour into 2 greased and floured cake pans.
350° 30 to 35 minutes. or until cake tests done. Cool in pans 10 minutes. Remove from pans and completely cool on racks.
Prune Whip Frosting
This is a version of the old seven minute frosting, which nobody uses any more, that I know of, but still one of my favorites.
In top of double boiler, mix thoroughly 2 unbeaten egg whites, 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed, 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/4 t. salt and 6 T. unsweetened prune juice.
Place over rapidly boiling water and beat constantly with rotary egg beater until mixture will hold a peak (7 minutes). Remove from hot water and continue beating until cool and thick enough to spread. (see my note at bottom).
Stir in 2 t. lemon juice, 6 cooked and drained and cut into small pieces, 2 T chopped blanched and toasted almonds.
Frost cake immediately.
Note: Since this is such an old recipe, I am sure before electric hand mixers were in use, we used the old egg beater. You can use an electric mixer but it may take sell time than 7 min. Just stop when the peak forms.