Sweet and Sour Chicken Salad
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
2 boneless chicken breasts, cut into �� cubes
2 eggs
� cup sugar
� cup vinegar
� cup water
1 heat lettuce
1 can pineapple chunks
Spray vegetable shortening into bottom of frying pan. Place � inch squares of chicken into hot pan. Fry slowly until done.
Combine 2 eggs, � cup sugar, � cup vinegar, and � cup water in saucepan. Bring to boil. Cook 2-3 minutes until slightly thick. Add chicken and pineapple chunks to dressing. Simmer a few minutes longer.
Wash a head of lettuce. Tear and arrange lettuce in 4 to 6 serving dishes. Pour dressing with chicken and pineapple chunks over salad. (Note: cold dressing can be reheated in microwave). Garnish with parsley.