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Italian Turkey with Pomegranate Sauce
Source of Recipe
Recipe Introduction
Makes about 18 servings.
Make-Ahead: Roast the turkey just before serving.
The pomegranates make a fine glaze for the bird, and give a sweet-tart edge to the sauce.
List of Ingredients
3 medium pomegranates
One (18-pound) fresh turkey
12 cups Roasted Vegetable Stuffing
2 1/2 quarts Homemade Turkey Broth, as needed
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus more if needed
Freshly milled black pepper
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved in 1/4 cup broth or water
4 tablespoons chilled unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces
Using a sharp knife, score each pomegranate into quarters through the blossom end, cutting only about 1/4-inch deep. One at a time, submerge each pomegranate into a large bowl of cold water. Pull the pomegranate apart under the water. Loosen the seeds from the pith with your fingers. The seeds will sink to the bottom, and the pith will float to the top. Skim off the pith, discard the skin, and drain the seeds. Place the seeds in a fine-meshed wire strainer set over a bowl and cover the seeds with plastic wrap to block squirts of juice. Crush the seeds with a large spoon to extract the juice. Set the juice aside.
Position a rack in the lowest position of the oven and preheat to 325° F. Reserve the turkey neck and giblets to use in gravy or stock. Rinse the turkey inside and out with cold water. Pat the turkey skin dry. Turn the turkey on its breast. Loosely fill the neck cavity with stuffing. Using a thin wooden or metal skewer, pin the turkey's neck skin to the back. Fold the turkey's wings akimbo behind the back or tie to the body with kitchen string. Loosely fill the large body cavity with stuffing. Place any remaining stuffing in a lightly buttered casserole, cover and refrigerate to bake as a side dish. Place the drumsticks in the hock lock or tie together with kitchen string.
Place the turkey, breast side up, on a rack in the roasting pan. Rub all over with the softened butter. Season with the salt and pepper. Tightly cover the breast area with aluminum foil. Pour 2 cups of turkey stock into the bottom of the pan.
Roast the turkey, basting all over every 30 minutes with the juices on the bottom of the pan (lift up the foil to reach the breast area), until a meat thermometer inserted in the meaty part of the thigh (but not touching a bone) reads 180° F degrees and the stuffing is at least 160° F, about 4 1/4 hours. Whenever the drippings evaporate, add broth to moisten them (about 1 1/2 cups at a time). During the last hour of estimate roasting time, remove the foil. Pour the pomegranate juice over the turkey. Baste every fifteen minutes until the turkey is done.
Transfer the turkey to a large serving platter and let it stand for at least 20 minutes before carving. Increase the oven temperature to 350 degrees. Drizzle 1/2 cup of turkey broth over the stuffing in the casserole, cover, and bake until heated through, about 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, pour the drippings from the roasting pan into a heatproof glass bowl or measuring cup. Let stand 5 minutes; then skim off and discard the clear yellow fat that rises to the top. Add enough turkey broth to the skimmed drippings to make 6 cups total.
Place the roasting pan over two stove burners on low heat and add the turkey broth mixture. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cook until reduced to 4 cups, about 10 minutes. Whisk in the dissolved cornstarch and cook until the sauce has lightly thickened. Remove from the heat, and whisk in the butter, one piece at a time. Season with salt and pepper.
Transfer the sauce to a warmed gravy boat. Carve the turkey and serve the sauce alongside.