Tropical Chicken
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
2 1/2 lb chicken, quartered parts
8 oz pineapple, crushed packed
1/2 cup estee granulated fructose
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp dry mustard powder
Mix pineapple with its juice, fructose, lemon
juice and mustard in small bowl. Place chicken on rack in shallow
baking pan. Spread pineapple mixture over each piece of chicken
(approx 2 tablespoons each). Bake for 20 minutes, then remove from
oven to baste again. Bake 20 minutes and baste again. Return to oven
for final 20 minutes of baking. Pour pineapple sauce and drippings
from baking pan into bowl and chill. Skim fat, then return to sauce
pan to reheat. Serve sauce over chicken. This, also, is an older
recipe and does not mention removing the skin from the chicken.