Karyn's Favorite Recipes - Guest Book
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1/13/2007 Hey this web site is pretty awesome!!! I am in the process of getting a cook book together!!! I will put mine on here too and get yours!!! SWEET!! Love,Kayla Kayla Fugate kalaflower24@aol.com Macomb, OK U.S. - Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 08:34:33 (PST) 10/6/2006 Thanks Aunt Karyn! I will bookmark these so that I can try out some of your yummy food! Carissa Trost carissatrost@myfamily.com Tulsa, OK 74136 - Friday, October 06, 2006 at 06:27:15 (PDT) 9/8/2006 Karyn... thank you for all of these recipes!!! You know how I LOVE to cook... I will try out EVERY one of these... might take me a few years to do so, but I will!!Love you!!!<<
 Karyn Knapp