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Recipe Categories:

    Tofu Breakfast Scramble

    Source of Recipe

    Can't remember

    List of Ingredients

    1 pkg Pete's Superfirm Tofu, well drained
    1 potato, peeled and sliced
    1 bell peppers
    1/4 cup spinach 1 tsp turmeric
    3 green onions, chopped
    1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
    1/2 tsp pepper


    Wash and chop veggies while the tofu is draining. Heat olive oil in a large skillet and add the sliced potatoes. Cover and cook about 10 minutes to get the potatoes somewhat cooked. Recommend a medium to high heat. Add any optional fresh veggies such as bell peppers to the cooking potatoes.

    Chop the tofu into small cubes and place it into a large mixing bowl. Add the turmeric, green onions, parsley, and pepper. As you mix, the tofu may get crumbly and that is okay. Add extra olive oil into the pan with the potatoes/veggies if you need to.

    Reduce heat to Medium. Spoon the tofu mixture in with the potatoes. Cover and steam for just a few minutes. Remove the cover, stir, and cook another few minutes or so with the lid off.




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