Raspberry Ice Tea
Source of Recipe
from LindaM on thriftyfun newsletter
Recipe Introduction
Very tasty and thirst quenching.
List of Ingredients
Raspberry Ice Tea
Steep 4 teabags
...(use Lipton or Red Rose since you get more from them,
...if using other brands I would use 6 teabags)
1, 12 ounce can frozen Welch's
...White Grape+Raspberry juice concentrate, thawed
Steep tea bags. Add juice concentrate and tea together
in a 2 quart (64 ounce) pitcher container. Fill to the
1 quart mark with water and stir. Refrigerate.
There is no need to add any sugar as there is enough
in the juice concentrate so you do not have to add any.
Welch's also has a variety of other flavors that you
cold try too.