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    SeaShore Fudge

    Source of Recipe

    recipe goldmine
    This is the fudge that was famous in Atlantic City
    and Ocean City, New Jersey.

    SeaShore Fudge

    4 cups granulated white sugar
    1/3 cup light corn syrup
    2 level Tablespoons honey
    1 cup unsweetened evaporated milk
    6 Tablespoons butter
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon vanilla

    Butter upper sides of a 5 quart saucepan.
    Put all ingredients except optional ones (see below)
    and your choice of flavorings into the saucepan.
    Grease and line several small loaf pans or 1, 12x8 inch pan.
    Fill kitchen sink with 1/2 inch of water.
    Dissolve sugar, stirring constantly with wooden spoon over low heat
    until butter melts and the spoon glides smoothly over bottom of pan.
    Increase heat to medium and bring to a boil.
    Wash down any crystals that may have formed with a pastry brush dipped
    in hot water, using as little water as possible.
    Clip a candy thermometer to the side of the saucepan.
    Reduce heat while retaining boil.
    Stir no more than necessary.
    Cook to 236�F to 242�F.

    Remove saucepan from heat and place it in the sink.
    If you want to make 2 different flavored fudges from this batch,
    divide it now into 2 batches by pouring 1/2 into a heatproof bowl.
    Work the bowl first.
    Add, without stirring, vanilla flavoring or chocolate, then allow to cool.
    Stir when lukewarm and skin forms on top (110�F).
    Stir fudge thoroughly but not vigorously by hand, with electric mixer,
    or in 2 batches in a food processor.
    Pause frequently to allow fudge to react.
    Watch for fudge to thicken, lose it sheen, become lighter in color or
    streaked with lighter shade, give off some heat, and suddenly stiffen.
    -If mixing by hand, fudge will "snap" with each stroke.
    -If by mixer, mixer wave will become very distinct.
    -If by food processor, fudge will flow sluggishly back to center when
    processor is stopped.

    Add any optional ingredient for variations before fudge totally candies.

    Pour, score and store when cool in airtight container
    in refrigerator
    or at room temperature.

    Brandy Alexander Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 ounce brandy
    1 ounce cr�me de cacao
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    Stand well back, as the alcohol fumes are powerful when burning off.

    Chocolate Brandy Alexander Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 ounce brandy
    1 ounce cr�me de cacao
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    Stand well back, as the alcohol fumes are powerful when
    burning off.
    When ready to stir,
    add 2 (1 ounce) squares melted unsweetened chocolate
    2 packet pre-melted baking chocolate.

    Chocolate Seashore Fudge:
    Add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    When ready to stir,
    add 3 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate, partially melted,
    or 1 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted and cooled.

    Chocolate Walnut Seashore Fudge:
    Add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    When ready to stir,
    add 3 (1 ounce) squares unsweetened chocolate, partially melted,
    or 1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips, melted and cooled.
    Just before pouring into prepared pan,
    stir in 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped walnuts.

    Drambuie Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 ounce Drambuie
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.

    Grasshopper Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 ounce white cr�me de cacao
    1 ounce white cr�me de menthe
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    Just before pouring into prepared pan,
    streak with drops of green food coloring.

    Kahl�a Mocha Seashore Fudge:
    Add 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa to the saucepan at the beginning
    of the recipe.
    add 3 (1 ounce) square melted, unsweetened chocolate
    3 packet pre-melted baking chocolate
    when ready to stir after cooking.
    Add 1/4 cup Kahl�a
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.

    Kahl�a Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1/4 cup Kahl�a
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.

    Peanut Butter Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.
    Just before stirring,
    add about 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
    1 1/2 cups peanut butter chips (without melting).
    Just before fudge completely candies,
    you can add 1/2 cup chopped roasted peanuts,
    but use only 1/3 cup peanut butter.

    Pistachio Seashore Fudge:
    Add 2 teaspoons pistachio extract
    a few drop of green food color
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing it in sink.
    You can also add 1/2 cup or more chopped pistachio nuts
    just before pouring fudge into prepared pan.

    Scotch Seashore Fudge:
    Add 1 ounce scotch
    after removing saucepan from heat and placing in sink.




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