Vinegar Taffy
Source of Recipe
from alicia's kitchen way back when...
Vinegar Taffy
Put 2 cups sugar
1 cup white Karo syrup
into a # 10 skillet
and stir to moisten sugar.
Add 1 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. vinegar
and boil to hard ball stage.
Add 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar and let boil up once.
Add 1 tsp vanilla and stir in.
Pour onto greased platter (or cookie sheet with sides) and let
cool enough to handle.
Lift sides as they cool to let air underneath.
When cool enough so as not to burn hands, rub butter on them and
begin to pull candy.
Gather the gob of candy in one buttered hand,with the
other gather and pull ( STRETCH) to the other hand.
Repeat this pulling and stretching, reaching as far as you can
but catching the candy each time to keep it from dropping too
far, until candy is white and porous.
This may take as long as 15 minutes, and should be done in the
coolest place, preferably outdoors.
When it looks ready, bring back inside and roll quickly into
ropes and cut in bite size pieces.
Wrap in waxed paper twists if desired.
Keep cold. Softens easily.
This is a tiring process and takes strong arms. Enjoy.