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Recipe Categories:

    Cool Pens

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Make them for yourself or swap them with your friends!
    Why not use your school or scout colors or your
    favorite colors.
    for ages 8 and up.

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    Cool Pens

    you will need:

    ball point pen
    multi-color yarn
    tacky glue, or low tack glue gun
    beads, optional

    Using as little glue as possible, place a very thin bead
    of glue near the tip of the pen and go up about 1 inch
    onto the barrel.
    Starting near the tip, wrap the yarn tightly around the
    pen without leaving any gaps. Add more glue as you go.
    You may change yarn colors, if you wish, but it is much
    easier to use a multi-color yarn.
    When you reach the end, trim and secure the yarn with
    a little dab of glue.
    Cut 3, 12 inch pieces of yarn. Knot the pieces together
    near one end. Braid and end with another knot. Glue on
    end of pen.

    Add more braids if you want.
    Your can also add pony beads or alphabet beads.

    Variation for Scouts
    Use number beads to decorate pens with the troop number.





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