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    Crunchy Cereal Snack

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    Crunchy Cereal Snack

    9 cups Chex cereal
    2 cups Flaked Coconut
    1 cup Peanuts
    1 cup Brown sugar
    1/2 cup Butter
    1/2 cup Corn syrup
    1 teaspoon Vanilla
    1/2 teaspoon Baking soda
    2 cups Chocolate chips
    1 1/2 cup Raisins

    Heat oven to 250F.
    Combine cereal, coconut and peanuts in a shallow roasting pan.
    In a small saucepan over medium, heat the brown sugar, butter
    and corn syrup until boiling, stirring constantly.
    Stop stirring and boil for 5 minutes.
    Stir in vanilla and baking soda.
    Pour over cereal mixture in roasting pan, and stir until evenly
    Bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
    Let cool, stirring frequently. Stir in chocolate chips and raisins.
    Store in airtight container.
    Makes 16 servings.




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