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Recipe Categories:

    Stained Glass Windows

    Source of Recipe

    from craft tips galore when it was going
    Great kid craft - Stained Glass Windows

    you will need:
    wax paper
    crayon shavings
    paper cups
    construction paper
    glue stick
    an iron

    Shave crayons and place into paper cups, making
    sure to keep one color per cup.
    Cut a piece of wax paper and it fold in half so
    it is approximately a 5 x 5 inch square.
    Open the wax paper and drop several of the
    different colors of shavings inside.
    Close and iron to melt shavings (it doesn't take
    a very high heat).
    Take a 5 x 10 piece of construction paper and fold
    in 1/2 to make a 5 x 5 piece. Cut a window of the
    desired shape (from front and back flap).
    Isert the wax paper and use glue stick to close.
    Hang in a window.
    When the light shines through, it is really pretty.




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