Chocolate Pizza #1
Source of Recipe
debbie's countrty cookin
Recipe Introduction
Contributor’s comments: Voila!! Chocolate Pizza. This is a great
gift for fellow chocoholics (of which I am an avowed one). If you can't
find pizza-type boxes at the local craft store or office/paper supply
store, you can usually put on a really sorry-ful face and show up at
your favorite pizza parlor and ask to buy the right size for them. My
students like to decorate the pizza boxes for projects, so children in
the family might like to do the decoration also.
List of Ingredients
Chocolate Pizza #1
12 oz bag Chocolate Chips
4 bars White Chocolate
Various small, chewy candies of your choice--Jelly Bellies, Now &
Laters, Licorice bridge mix, nonpareils gum drops
Place plastic wrap on the bottom and sides of a pizza pan. Lightly
spray with vegetable spray. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave,
according to package directions. Spread in the pizza pan. Allow to
Melt 2 of the bars of the white chocolate. Tint with food coloring to
create a tomato-y shade or red-orange. Spread over the chocolate
"crust". Top with candy toppings. Large, red gum drops can be sliced
to make pepperoni, white jelly beans look like onions, green jelly beans
look like green pepper, slices of licorice can be black olives, etc.
just use your imagination.
Grate the remaining bars of white chocolate to resemble grated
cheese. Sprinkle on the top. Place in a warm oven just long enough to
let the white chocolate begin to melt to resemble grated cheese. Recipe