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    : General Rhubarb Info

    Source of Recipe

    rhubarb info com

    Recipe Introduction

    for more in depth information, visit the site where I found this information through the recipe link.

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    List of Ingredients

    What to do with the seedpods?
    Rhubarb plants will occasionally send up seed stalks with flowers in the middle of the plants.
    These stalks can occur due to natural maturity of the plants. Some varieties of rhubarb are more likely to flower than others.
    Victoria is known to be a flowering type. Flowering will reduce the vigor of the plant. Energy is funneled into the stalks instead of new growth for rhubarb growth as a vegetable.
    If the plant is grown as an ornamental the tall stalks of flowers (Victoria has white (greenish)) is quite impressive.
    The flower and seed stalks should be cut out as soon as they start forming. The plant may still continue to produce the flower stalks so keep cutting.
    The plants do NOT become poisonous after flowering starts. The leaf stalks can still be cut and used and the leaves themselves are always poisonous.

    Medicinal Uses
    Rhubarb has many uses. The most common is medicinal. Rhubarb has been used in medicines and folk healing for centuries.
    11.1 - Medicine
    Rhubarb and its Dietetic Action: It is recognized that rhubarb not only exercises a digestive action but it operates directly as a conveyer of bile salts. It can therefore be classed as a hepatic stimulant. Rhubarb performs its first digestive operation in the mouth by stimulating the taste buds with its pleasantly bitter flavor which gives a sense of cleansing out the oral cavity, preparing it to taste the coming food.
    When it reaches the stomach its digestive effects come into full play, causing an increase of the flow of gastric juice and inducing their movement, thus favoring the processing of the contents of the stomach.
    Besides stimulating the secretions from the liver which convey the bile salts, it assists the intestine in regulating the absorption of fats.22

    Rheum Palmatum
    Rhubarb is used as a laxative, antiphlogistic, and homeostatic in the treatment of constipation, diarrhea, jaundice, gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, menstrual disorders, conjunctivitis, traumatic injuries,superficial suppurative sores and ulcers.
    It is also applied externally for thermal burns. In TCM terms it Drains Heat and accumulations from the
    Yangming level, Clears Damp Heat, Cools the Blood, Invigorates Blood, eliminates Stagnant Blood and Clears Toxic Heat and purges knotted Heat and stool from the colon. Concepts in purgation In order to understand the use of purges in TCM it is important to understand the concepts and principles of purgation as applied in herbal practice.


    The 3 main types of purging are as follows:
    1.Cold purge (heat clearing):
    for symptoms such as constipation due to inflammation and paralysis of the colon - i.e. knotted Heat.
    2.Warm purge (inner warming):
    for acute circulatory disturbance of the digestive tract due to consumption of cold food and drink, and cold environment - i.e.cold accumulation or Yang deficient constipation.
    3.Moistening purge (moisten dry intestine):
    for constipation due to dehydration or poor nutrition resulting in dryness of the intestine (insufficient colonic membrane secretions) - i.e. dry intestine constipation. 4.Water expulsion:
    for hydrothorax, ascites, oedema.13




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