For some reason, people just love to eat food in bar form.
Candy bars, protein bars, handle bars, you name it. Sadly,
most bars are less than nutritionally excellent. Until now.
This recipe is a fabulous and totally healthy bar treat that
makes the ideal afternoon snack.
4 handfuls dates, pitted
2 handfuls raisins
1 apple, cored
2 handfuls fresh walnuts, soaked in water for 5�6 hrs.
2 handfuls fresh almonds, soaked in water for 5�6 hours
2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon
Preheat oven on lowest setting, if using. In a blender/food
processor, chop the apple. Add everything else. Mix to a
thick goop. Press into nonstick 9X13x2 inch pan. Bake for
5 to 6 hours or, if you have a food dehydrator, place it on
a couple the disc's in the trays and follow the manufacturer's
directions, or if you live in a dry place, you can set it out on
the counter until it hardens. Cut into bars/wedges.
For Banana Bars:
Substitute a banana and cashews for the apple and almonds.