Her comments:
I happened to stumble across this on the internet. I in no way
take credit for this delicious sandwhich. However my
recommendatin is for all to try it. It's guaranteed to make you
want to come back for more.
12 slices firm white bread or rye bread
prepared mustard
6 slices cooked ham
6 slices cooked chickens or turkey
6 slices swiss cheese or American cheese
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
black pepper, to taste
3 tablespoons butter
1. Spread each slice of bread with mustard.
2. Make 6 sandwiches using 1 slice of ham, cheese, and chicken for each.
3. Combine eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.
4. Melt butter in a skillet over low heat.
5. Dip sandwiches in the milk-egg mixture, turning to coat each side.
6. Brown in skillet.
Makes 6 servings.