cleaner - LCD Screen Cleaning
Source of Recipe
somewhere on the net
cleaner - LCD Screen Cleaning
There really is an inexpensive and simple suggestion.
All you need are four items:
1 - Spray bottle
2 - Distilled water
...(Never use tap water. Tap water has minerals in which will leave streaks and makes the job
...harder than it needs to be.)
3 - White vinegar or isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
4 - Clean, soft cloth
...(soft "micro-fiber" cleaning cloths work well)
Mix the distilled water and the vinegar or alcohol.
The best ratio is 1:1, which would be like a half cup
of distilled water and a half cup of vinegar.
Put the mixture into the spray bottle.
Make sure the LCD screen or television is turned off.
It is much easier to see the dirt with the screen
turned off.
Spray the mixture onto the soft clean cloth.
NEVER spray the mixture directly onto the screen!
The screen is delicate and that much force could
damage the screen.
Now gently wipe the screen with the dampened cloth.
Start at the top of the screen and very gently make
your way down the screen.
Let your screen dry before turning it back on.
This will only be a few seconds.
A couple of hints that will help keep your screen lasting longer:
* Remember to not touch the screen with your fingers or hands. The oil
and dirt from your hands can damage the screen by burning the pixels
out. Just like your mother used to tell you, keep your hands to
* If all you need is a quick dusting of the LCD screen, try using
anti-static and anti-cling sheets after you have taken them from the dryer.
They are great for removing the dust without damaging the screen.
Summary: LCD screens are great, providing crystal-clear images and
outstanding performance. If the screen gets dirty, you need to be
careful that you clean it the right way so that you don't damage it.
This tip can help you get rid of the gunk and restore the picture to a
like-new quality.
Are you finding it harder and harder to read the letters or see the
pictures on your LCD (liquid crystal display) computer screen? Or, you
may have one of those fancy LCD televisions, and the pictures aren't
quite as crisp and clear as they used to be because the screen is dusty
and dirty. You know that it is time to clean the screen, but quite
frankly you are a bit leery of this process. All the horror stories that
you have heard about damaging the screen or maybe turning the screen
yellow makes the task even harder to attempt to do.
You can purchase screen cleaning kits at computer supply stores or your
local electronics outlet, but they are expensive and the stores aren't
always convenient. There have been suggestions of using Windex or other
ethyl and ammonia based products for cleaning the screen, but with time
your flat screen will yellow.