Ham & Cheese sandwiches
Source of Recipe
my friend Tammy
Recipe Introduction
Tammy made these for a wedding reception and they were a hit!!
List of Ingredients
1 pkg. ham
1 pkg. swiss cheese
Cut ham and cheese in small pieces about the size of the roll. Use about three pkg's of ready to serve rolls of 24 to a package. (Rolls in tin pan)
1 stick margarine
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp grated onion
2 Tbsp poppy seeds
2 Tbsp salad mustard
salt/pepper to tasteRecipe
Melt margarine and add ingredients in order. Break pan of rolls into three rows. Slice each row open; lay aside. Spead sauce on both sides; add the ham and cheese and fold rolls together and place back in pan, until ready to heat. Bake fresh rolls at 250�F for 20 minutes or if frozen, bake at 250�F for 30 minutes.