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Recipe Categories:

    "Auflauf" (German Pancakes Puffs)

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    6 large Eggs
    1/8 teaspoon Salt
    1 cup Flour, unsifted
    1 1/2 cups Milk
    1 teaspoon Sugar
    1/4 pound Butter, unsalted
    top with Sugar, powdered


    Lightly beat eggs with salt and gradually add flour and blend until smooth.
    Add milk to egg mixture and blend.
    Melt butter and pour into a 8 square inch pan; add egg mixture and bake for 15
    minutes at 450°. {note: If it browns to fast lower temperature to 400°.}

    Top with fruit jams, fruit or fresh berries.

    From Maison Gourmet Kitchen: Recipe of Sandy Fiebelkorn (12/17/1998)




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